Friday, April 15, 2016

FDR and The New Deal


During one of the most turmoil filled time periods in our nations history, the people of America searched for answers that simply was not being accomplished by president Hoover. When Franklin D. Roosvelt so famously stated "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" he brought a calming presence among the american public. He later went on to announce a "Bank Holiday" that would last four days which meant that all banks would close so that congress could reform legislation during that time period. Lastly, Roosvelt wanted to reform the financial system and in doing so he created the FDIC also known as Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which allowed the depositer's accoutns to be safe; he also created the SEC which regulated the stock market in hope that it would prevent another stock market crash in the future.

Fireside Chats

Roosvelt ran a series of his famous "Fireside Chats" which addressed the public and boosted confidence of Americans. The topics that he discussed ranged from banking all the way to the opposition of fascism in Europe. The public interactions strongly effected the views that the public had on FDR as they were seemingly brought together by a calmness that made people think that everything was going to be okay. 

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